Office of the President

President’s Cabinet

The president works closely with her leadership team to guide Brown in its mission of advancing knowledge in a complex and changing world and service to society.

  • Grace Calhoun

    Vice President for Athletics and Recreation

    Grace Calhoun leads the Division of Athletics and Recreation, which includes Brown's 34 NCAA Division I varsity teams, a club sport portfolio of nearly 40 teams providing opportunity for Brown's undergraduate population, as well as a robust recreation and fitness program that serves the entire Brown community. She has responsibility for strategic planning, fiscal management, alumni relations and oversight of all personnel, facilities and operations.

  • Mary Jo Callan

    Vice President for Community Engagement, Stark Family Executive Director of the Howard R. Swearer Center for Public Service

    MJ Callan is responsible for ensuring that community engagement initiatives and programs are developed in consultation and collaboration with Providence and Rhode Island community leaders and stakeholders, reflect community needs and values and are aligned with the University mission of education and research.

  • Russell Carey

    Executive Vice President for Planning and Policy, Interim Vice President for Campus Life

    Russell Carey serves as the senior officer responsible for coordinating Brown’s strategic planning processes and providing leadership on a broad range of University strategy, policy and governance matters. Additional areas of responsibility include evaluating the University’s plans, initiatives and policies; and assisting senior officers, divisions and departments in defining strategies and developing plans to ensure continued growth and prosperity.

  • Cass Cliatt

    Senior Vice President for Communications

    Cass Cliatt oversees strategic communications to support and advance Brown’s mission, goals and priorities among the University’s many constituencies. She partners with senior leaders to promote and elevate Brown's standing as a leading institution as she manages a division that develops targeted communications, marketing and signature event solutions to serve the University.

  • Tejal Desai

    Sorensen Family Dean of Engineering, Professor of Engineering

    Tejal Desai leads the School of Engineering. In this role she is responsible for continuing to grow the school’s exceptional cross-disciplinary research; leading educational programs that prepare undergraduate and graduate students with subject area depth and real-world experiences to address critical societal challenges; and deepening research and teaching collaboration within the school and across campus.

  • Jane Dietze

    Vice President and Chief Investment Officer

    Jane Dietze manages the Investment Office’s operations and leads the capital allocation and investment process to preserve and grow the endowment and its income distribution capability in perpetuity to support the educational mission of the University.

  • Frank J. Doyle, III

    Provost, Professor of Engineering

    Frank Doyle is the chief academic officer, responsible for strengthening academic excellence. He works closely with senior deans, faculty and other administrative colleagues across the University to advance Brown’s commitment to the liberal arts and distinctive interdisciplinary approach to education and research.

  • Sergio Gonzalez

    Senior Vice President for Advancement

    Sergio Gonzalez oversees the Division of Advancement, which builds and supports the University’s relationship with alumni and the Brown Alumni Association, and cultivates philanthropic investments that align donor interests and passions with strategic University priorities. 

  • Matthew Guterl

    Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion

    Matthew Guterl is responsible for leading the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, which stewards the University’s commitment and responsibility to foster equitable and inclusive working and learning environments that are necessary for academic excellence. He provides strategic direction for a wide range of programs and initiatives, coordinates education and training, and measures and reports on progress toward the goals of the Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan and DIAP Phase II.


  • Greg Hirth

    Vice President for Research

    Greg Hirth oversees the University's research enterprise, promoting research excellence and integrity and representing the University in matters related to research at local and national levels. He facilitates grant applications, manages research support and reporting, provides seed funding for promising proposals and coordinates intellectual property efforts including patents, licensing and business startups.

  • Sandhya Iyer

    Vice President and General Counsel

    Sandhya Iyer leads the Office of the General Counsel, which is responsible for all of the University’s legal affairs. She serves as Brown’s chief legal officer, advising the University’s senior officers and members of the faculty on a broad range of legal and strategic matters.

  • Mukesh K. Jain, M.D.

    Dean of Medicine and Biological Sciences, Senior Vice President for Health Affairs

    Mukesh Jain is the strategic and academic leader of biological sciences programs, biomedical research and medical education at Brown. As senior vice president for health affairs, he oversees initiatives and programs that involve Brown faculty and Brown’s hospital system partners and affiliates. He provides strategic vision within life sciences at Brown and in collaboration with hospital partners to advance Providence as a center for biotech research and innovation.

  • Ashish K. Jha

    Dean of the School of Public Health, Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice

    Ashish Jha is responsible for leading the School of Public Health, including developing and elevating the school’s profile and impact locally and globally with a focus on pressing societal challenges, as well as providing administrative oversight and ensuring the school’s fiscal strength.



  • Christopher E. Keith

    Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer

    Chris Keith holds the top information technology role at Brown, leading technology, data and digital solutions across the University. His responsibilities include oversight of IT systems and services that support teaching and learning; technology support for research and business enterprises across campus; oversight of the budget and more than 200 staff members in the Office of Information Technology.

  • Sarah Latham

    Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration

    Sarah Latham leads all administrative, business and financial operations for Brown. She oversees areas including finance and treasury functions, human resources, information technology, facilities management, public safety and emergency management, real estate, risk management, sustainability, business operations, dining services, internal audit and auxiliary services including the Brown Bookstore. 

  • Thomas A. Lewis

    Dean of the Graduate School, Professor of Religious Studies

    Tal Lewis leads the strategic vision for graduate education at the University, oversees the academic excellence of graduate programs and works with deans and faculty leaders to coordinate admissions and student funding. He is responsible for engaging and supporting graduate students across all departments, centers and institutes, including the School of Engineering, the School of Public Health and the Division of Biology and Medicine.

  • Dacia Read

    Chief of Staff to the President

    Dacia Read leads the Office of the President. As a member of the President’s Cabinet, Dacia convenes and coordinates across the Cabinet and Senior Team to advance the President’s strategic priorities; and advises the President on risks and opportunities to amplify her impact on behalf of Brown. 


  • Leah VanWey

    Dean of the Faculty

    Leah VanWey is the senior academic officer responsible for developing and implementing programs, initiatives and policies to support the recruitment, retention and development of Brown faculty in academic departments in the humanities and social sciences, as well as physical and life sciences departments not housed within the School of Engineering, School of Public Health or Division of Biology and Medicine.

  • Michael P. White

    Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services & Chief Financial Officer

    Michael P. White leads financial planning and operations for Brown, including finance and treasury functions, cash and debt management and budgeting to advance essential growth and ensure long-term financial security. 

  • Marie Williams

    Vice President for Human Resources

    Marie Williams provides strategic leadership and oversight for human resources. She works collaboratively across campus to recruit and retain staff of the highest expertise, position Brown as an employer of choice and support members of the University community in areas such as benefits and wellness, compensation, recruitment, employee relations, professional development, HR operations and administration, student employment, and Workday HR related programs.

  • Rashid Zia

    Dean of the College

    Rashid Zia is the senior undergraduate academic officer responsible for direction of the University’s student-centered Open Curriculum, academic advising, international study programs and classroom instruction. He oversees a broad range of administrative departments, including the Center for Career Exploration, the Curricular Resource Center and Study Abroad Advising.